Rebecca Wheeler has been lucky enough to combine her love of theatre and her passion for medicine, working as an energy medicine practitioner and performance coach hybrid. She offers workshops, programs and private sessions for performers wanting to overcome stage fright, self-criticism and perfectionism.

When she finished high school, Rebecca started working at a modelling agency where she would eventually become the owner. It was in this role that she discovered she had a passion for helping performers become more comfortable in their own skin. “As I gained experience with directing photo shoots and coaching models in front of the camera, I found another passion – helping people find their freedom,” she said. “Watching the girls under my care go from being stiff and scared to relaxed and joyful in front of the camera was so, so rewarding.”

Rebecca had also always had an interest in medicine but had never considered alternatives to western medicine until she was older. “I received a Reiki session from a family friend and became obsessed with understanding what I had experienced,” she explained. “What followed were three fantastic years of learning and growth. I loved sharing Energy Medicine with my friends, honing my skills and exploring the potential of the work.” It wasn’t until after her marriage, the birth of her two children and years of juggling two potential career paths that she realised she didn’t have to choose between her two passions. “I realised that everything I’d been developing through Energy Medicine carried over perfectly to activating incredible stage presence,” Rebecca said.  “I had found my calling.”

Rebecca’s sessions are more spiritual than technical, and they focus on self-realisation, free expression and awakening the creative instincts. She has helped numerous clients become authentic, confident performers with an ability to create an emotional connection to audiences through their work.

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