Annie Pullar is a young journalist with a thriving career, working as a Nine News regional reporter in the Toowoomba and Darling Downs Region. Her interest in journalism is fuelled by her curiosity, intrigued by people, emotion, and their story.

Annie believes it is almost impossible to live inside one’s comfort zone in journalism and it allows her to get the best out of people. “I don’t think there’s a better feeling, walking away from an interview knowing you got the best out of that person- but also made a difference to their day. You get to see, hear, and tell things that the everyday public don’t,” Annie said.

The position does have a series of challenges that Annie has witnessed first hand. “Not everyone will like you. I have been a people pleaser my whole life, but you have to let that go in this job. You can see people at their lowest point, at car crashes, fires, or tragedies and not everyone is going to like a camera shoved in their face or a reporter pestering them for an interview. It’s taken a lot to overcome that and it’s something I work on everyday.” Despite the challenges, Annie finds that the satisfying parts of being a regional reporter far outweigh the the cons. “No day is the same. I can walk into work, with a plan of what my day will look like and that could backflip on me in a second. It’s spontaneous, exhilarating, non-stop and incredibly rewarding. I have always found it hard to sit still – so it helps that I’m not stuck in an office chair all day.”

Annie finds that being a young person in media is a confronting but exciting experience. She believes that with hard work, persistence and a positive attitude, it is possible to thrive in the swim or sink industry. Being able to take criticism not as an insult but as a change to improve herself has also been key in her success. The Toowoomba and Darling Downs Region has also helped her grow, not just as a journalist, but as an individual. “Toowomba is a hidden gem. I was extremely apprehensive to move here, starting a new job with not one person I knew. But I can honestly say it took me less than a month to feel like I was at home. There’s a country charm here that you can’t find in Brisbane. The city is also at the cusp of major change and significant investment. People living here are excited about their future, and what Toowoomba will look like in 10 years to come. And best of all, everyone is willing to have a chat with you.”

As to her future, Annie is still undecided. “My mind changes everyday but I would ideally like to end up in a longer format of news. Whether it be producing or on camera, I am not too fussed. Being able to work with a team of people, on a story that could take weeks- if not months- to gather is a very exciting prospect.” For those following in her footsteps, Pullar has this advice. “Never fold to what people want you to be. It’s very easy to get carried away in other people’s perceptions, but you will never be happy with your work if you’re not true to yourself. Persistence and hard work will always win.” Annie comes from a family of creative people including her twin, George Pullar, an actor featured on Channel 10’s Playing for Keeps.

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