Every Shitty Thing is a raw and no-holds-barred memoir of author, Marcia Abboud’s heroic journey through the dark (and light) places in her life. It is a story about how she survived family violence, addiction, sexual abuse, suicide, motherhood, divorce and loss, written with humour between the threads.

By the time Marcia was a teenager, she had already endured a lot. Betrayed by every male in her life, her childhood of abuse, insecurity and self loathing was spent in Sydney’s inner west in the 1970s. Food was her only solace, a gypsy life her dream. It is a story about hope, courage and resilience and how Marcia came to understand that whatever struggles we endure leads us to exactly where we need to be.

Marcia wrote the book to make sense of all the events in her life and says that it is for anyone who resonates with a dysfunctional childhood, abuse, motherhood or divorce. “As I began to write, and revisit all the betrayals, trauma and heartache, I began to feel differently about all the crazy shit that had happened. As I returned to the scenes of the crimes against my body and spirit, I was able to reach out through my words to my perpetrators and abusers, and meet them with compassion, and even-dare I say it – forgiveness,” she said.

Marcia hopes that by sharing her story readers will be able to look at the most painful places in their past and  realise that those chapters of their lives don’t define who they are. “Sharing our stories, finding our common threads, as women especially, is what keeps us sane.  It keeps us going, it helps to know that we are not alone. We all have shit in our lives, no matter what it looks like,” she said.

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