As a professional trainer, author, speaker and CEO of Ultimate Communicator, Kim Taylor takes ‘communication is key’ to the next level. Her business expanded its offering as of 2020, but its mission remains concrete: help speakers find their voice, hone their skills and refine their messages.

As a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming with a Diploma of Life Coaching, Public Speaking and Training Skills, Kim is more than the right person to rely on for business training and communication skills development.

In 2020, Kim saw the need to expand her offering outside of public speaking and created a powerful Profiling Tool to provide deeper insights into personal communication styles. Thus, Ultimate Communicator was born, offering development and support in all areas from speaker to networker, to sales, to writer, and more.

The goal of Ultimate Communicator is to help professionals overcome their fear of public speaking and improve their communication skills to become better public speakers.

“There’s so much more to being true to yourself and your message, than just being an Ultimate Speaker. It’s about truly seeing who you are as a communicator and assessing, developing, and refining the skills you need to become your personal best.” said Ms Taylor

Kim remains committed to helping clients in meaningful ways, to help them harness their true potential in business and personal endeavours. She is also a valued member of Women’s Network Australia, and empowers women to “Be You, Be Clear, Be Your Ultimate.”

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