Big Splash Communications Director Ella Riggert has launched Quick Hits Content Solutions, designed to breathe life back into Queensland’s small businesses post COVID. This innovative start-up aims to help drive small businesses out of hibernation with clever, creative publicity, marketing and content solutions at a fixed price they can afford.

After 16 years of working with renowned brands ranging from Gucci and Jimmy Choo to AMP, Urbis, Stanbroke Pastoral Company and TAFE Queensland, Riggert says it was gut-wrenching when COVID-19 hit. Once the ‘no mass gatherings’ rule came in to play, every contract they had evaporated within 48 hours.

Her business was supposed to be helping deliver the Brisbane Racing Carnival for 20,000 eager racegoers, she said. “I have always had continuous contracts, but for a few weeks I felt paralysed between a state of fight or flight. I didn’t know which way to step. And then an old idea I had once had about how to service small business floated to the surface.”

Riggert worked hard with her colleagues and suppliers, including photographers and video producers, also devastated by the pandemic, to create small business packages. She said Quick Hits gives small businesses access to high level industry professionals and the type of publicity, marketing and content that Big Splash has been servicing the big end of town with for years – in a way these businesses can easily access and afford while reinvigorating their cashflow.

“I think there is going to be a tussle for customers and patronage with COVID-19 breaking habits, loyalty and disposable income. Businesses are going to have to be vocal and clever to attract visibility and move fast,” Ella says. “I am really proud of what we have come up with and hope that it is embraced by the Queensland small business community.”

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